Photo of Jorge Pezaroglo Uruguay

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AUTHOR ssi not for all the world the figure of a true artist is associated with a bohemian person has an inner world riqusimo but very complicated. At least the majority of artists I've known fits within that description. So, who knew me asombrel gives this simple and tireless riverense, walking casually, with a great inner peace and spirituality. Like his personality, his work conveys peace. As their friendship, after tens...

Exhibitions carried out

  • 2023, Vernissage de Artistas Plásticos embajada de Alemania en Uruguay
  • 2021, Vernissage de Artistas Plásticos embajada de Alemania en Uruguay
  • 2019, Vernissage de Artistas Plásticos embajada de Alemania en Uruguay
  • 2017, Vernissage de Artistas Plásticos embajada de Alemania en Uruguay
  • 2014, 8vo. Vernissage de Artistas Plásticos embajada de Alemania en Uruguay
  • 2002, Muestra Individual en la Sala de Arte de la “Librería La Lupa”.
  • 2001, Invitado en Exposición del artista uruguayo, Javier Freire, en el Club Juventus Montevideo
  • 1999, Mención especial Sala Vaz Ferreira en un concurso organizado por el Club de Leones
  • 1994, Muestra Colectiva en el Centro de Artes en Montevideo

Awards received

  • 1999, Mención especial Sala Vaz Ferreira en un concurso organizado por el Club de Leones

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See everything we offer you!
7.09 x 11.81 in
7.09 x 11.81 in
15.75 x 19.69 in
13.78 x 21.65 in
15.75 x 23.62 in
5.91 x 11.81 in
27.56 x 27.56 in
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Photo of Jorge Pezaroglo Uruguay

AUTHOR ssi not for all the world the figure of a true artist is associated with a bohemian person has an inner world riqusimo but very complicated. At least the majority of artists I've known fits within that description. So, who knew me asombrel gives this simple and tireless riverense, walking casually, with a great inner peace and spirituality. Like his personality, his work conveys peace. As their friendship, after tens contact your art never dejars to value and follow it. Her artistic vocation was evident from very young. At thirteen years, allpor the year 1980 and for six years, George blew his name involved in many competitions of posters and logos in the Rivera home. In 87 comes to Montevideo and entered the University of Labour. Simultaneously begins to deploy his talents as a cartoonist in the Boy Scout magazine. Within the design dejterreno not without explore. Hallucinations makes his first forays into the artistic world and says that "very young with simple Comencdesde Alpizar and ink drawings. Ms later I started rehearsing with watercolors, oil paintings, carbny other tools that allow me to clarify my ideas. " Although self-taught, studying commercial art knowledge complementsus AP YMS afternoon, with the appearance of computer programs logrdominar graphic design and programming. When you know his work, he discovered the work of a person with great sensitivity, which captures to perfection the characteristics and movements of the human body either by a brush, a pencil, a mouse or a photographic lens Chart. His work is a reflection of the maturity that has acquired over the years. At this stage of his life to experience with other figures, other techniques, other colors. So much as, from 2002 to attend the workshop of the plastic artist Daniel Martinez Fuentes. But not everything has been working and studying for Jorge. In the year 1994 realizuna Show at the Arts Center in Montevideo. In the year 99 had Sala Vaz Ferreira Special Mention in a competition organized by the Lions Club and two years later, participcomo guest artist in the exhibition of another young Uruguayan artist, Javier Freire, Club Juventus. Finally, in the spring of 2002 realizsu first solo show at the Art Gallery of booksellers Lupa.

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